
Podopi is a service that helps you get more value out of your blog by creating a podcast from it without effort on your part. Just set and forget. It only takes 10 minutes to setup, but will yield business value continously.


It’s been 2 years since the launch of TAYL. Thousands of users worldwide have since been listening to a wide variety of text content read by computer-generated speech. The next step for TAYL is a sister product aimed at business users, namely Podopi.

Why Start a Podcast?

Blogs are fine and all, but when was the last time you heard “I read this great blog post that you have to see.”? — 1997? 2000? Well, people seem to talk more about podcasts nowadays. If you are not on the train yet, you might be missing out!

Podopi Web App

The popularity of podcasts is evident by looking at some public statistics.

  • 37% of the U.S. population listened to a podcast within a month of answering in 2020 (3x in the last decade).
  • There is an estimated 31.5m podcast consumers in Mexico, 15.6m in the UK and 20% of Germans listen also.
  • YouTube alone is the world’s 2nd most visited website, with over 2.3 billion active users worldwide.
  • 28.2 million U.S. users listen to podcasts on Spotify at least montly in 2021.
  • With almost 300 million active users, it is safe to assume even more users will use Spotify for podcasts in the near future.
  • Apple podcasts is still a popular choice among users, with 28.8 million listeners in the U.S.

Learn why you should start a Podcast on podopi.com.

Creating Podcasts from Blogs

Behind the scenes, Podopi is using A.I. and machine learning to transform written text into brilliantly crafted podcasts and videos.

Once Podopi is synchronized to your website, it will automatically take your blog posts and publish an extraordinary finished product onto Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, and more. Every step of the way, you’ll increase your exposure and reach new audiences.

With customizable settings, you can even preview each finished product before they are posted, leading to even better quality control. Complete with music, cover art, and more, you can expect a primed and polished product, every time.

In turn, businesses can tap into a unique advantage that generates more value for a blog post than ever before.

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